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  • Nebula.TV

    Get Aimee’s online courses by signing up for Nebula! - Only $30 for all 5!

    Aimee Nolte Classes on Nebula

    Ether J. - "I've just finished this course on Nebula and I can't praise it enough. I'm not a jazz player, but am a musician who performs in other genres. I've made learning jazz one of my top goals, but haven't made much progress. Most teachers focus on scales, chords, arpeggios, etc. I am so tired of these!! In this course, Aimee takes a musical approach by focusing on motifs. This is brilliant! I have learned so much from these lessons that I just had to write about them. I now have an approach that I can understand to do my own solos. Thank you Aimee! You are the best!"

  • Downbeat review
    Looking For The Answers Downbeat Review - Aimee Nolte’s voice is beautiful, sonorous and reflective on her latest album Looking For The Answers, The singer arranged and produced every track on the album, lending a consistent aesthetic and laid-back vibe to most of the cuts here. What separates Nolte from other vocalists and composers is the poetry and storytelling quality of her compositions, with lyrics reminescent of Joni Mitchell - just minus Mitchell playfulness. “Save Me One Last Time” speaks to the bandleadeader’s seriousness as a lyricists when the theme of lost love is addressed: “If I keep on falling, I’ll be lost forever/ Save me one last time.” [ Read the full review here ]
  • Aimee Nolte
    Los Angeles musician, Aimee Nolte is a jazz pianist, vocalist and thriving YouTube creator, constantly pursuing new recording, performing, and educational projects. Though primarily a jazz player, she knows over a thousand songs and can play them at the drop of a hat. Aimee earned her jazz piano degree from Brigham Young University In 1998 and has been an active and passionate musician ever since; even as a wife and mother of four! She has released three full-length albums so far that have been reviewed as deeply personal, captivating pieces of art. Downbeat praised her 2019 release, Looking For The Answers, raving that “What separates Nolte from other vocalists and composers is the poetry and storytelling quality of her compositions, with lyrics reminescent of Joni Mitchell.” In 2016, Aimee started her YouTube channel, "Aimee Nolte Music" where she now has over 207K subscribers. She shares the music that is inside of her with the world in her videos, whether through captivating duets with John Clayton and Nicki Parrott or breaking down the tiniest nuances of a McCoy Tyner solo in a way that makes even the most advanced techniques understandable to beginning musicians. Teaching topics like harmony, arranging, advanced jazz piano techniques, and even beginning piano and vocal skills comes as second nature to Aimee, and she is frequently called upon to perform and appear as a guest clinician all over the country.
  • More about Aimee
    She continues to play and sing regularly all over Los Angeles County. January, 2006 marked the release of her first album, “Up Til Now”. She sings, plays piano and harmonica, and wrote and produced all of the tracks on the album.
    In 2010, Aimee released her second album with her longtime guitarist, Hideaki Tokunaga, entitled, "Just Us". Aimee composed 7 of the CD's 11 tracks, and co-wrote 2.
  • Performing with...
    Aimee has had the opportunity to perform in the past with greats such as John Clayton, Jeff Hamilton, Ken Peplowski, Frank Vignola, Lenny White, and most recently, the Aimee Nolte Trio (with Mike Scott and Roger Shew), and her duo, "Skirt & Suit (with Joshua Payne on guitar) with regular gigs around the LA area. Recently she performed with Nicki Parrott along with a new trio (Robert Taylor & Justin Varnes).

Harmonizing With Myself - My Romance

Harmonizing With Myself - My Romance

I sat down to practice this, thinking that I probably would need 3 or 4 takes, but I'd better record it just in case I get a good one... and it turned out I didn't need any more takes! Harmonizing with myself is something I practice a lot. It works my brain out like crazy, and challenges me in a way nothing else does. My goals in doing this are always changing, but number one is to be true to myself and sing what wants to come out. After that, it's just "will I put the voice on the top or bottom?", "which intervals will I land on?", "which 'voice' should take the lead now?", etc. I hope you have fun watching and listening!

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Do You Know What It Means

Do You Know What It Means

"Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans" is a song written by Eddie DeLange and Louis Alter, which was first heard in the movie New Orleans in 1947, where it was performed by Louis Armstrong and sung by Billie Holiday.

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When The Harmony IS The Melody

When The Harmony IS The Melody

Are you ever fooled by a harmony that has so much strength and power, you think it's really the melody? Let's look at examples by some of the greatest harmony writers in rock and pop and discover deeper truths about the meaning of "melody."

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Aimee’s Most Watched Videos

Aimee’s Most Watched Videos

Aimee’s Most Watched Videos according YouTube Analytics. Did any of your favorites make the list? Please comment on Facebook

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* webmaster's fav

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Aimee Nolte performs in duos, trios, and big bands as a jazz pianist and singer. Live performances



Please join my YouTube channel Aimee Nolte Music with hundreds of videos! Teaching section